Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Comparative Essay- Booker T. Washington & W.E.B. Dubois
Kelly Carnevale Period 2 September 2012 Comparative Essay BOOKER T. WASHINGTON and W. E. B. DUBOIS Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Dubois were two men that radically modified the essence of Civil Rights. Both had a solid turn in training and were dynamic figures of the Progressive Age. While the two of them were figure heads in the social upgrades in African American lives, their systems of accomplishing change were totally different. The two men had totally different childhoods. Washington was conceived as a slave in Virginia in 1856. He lived in a one-stayed log cabin.Dubois was conceived in Great Barrington, Massachusetts in a town comprised of 5,000 whites, with just 50 blacks. With respect to instruction, the two men were exceptionally best in class. Washington went to Hampton Normal Agricultural Institute in Virginia and graduated with excellent grades, in the end turning into a teacher there. Dubois went to Great Barrington High School and turned into the sole dark understud y to graduate. He in the long run went on to going to Harvard Law School and turned into the principal dark man to win a PhD there. Through the span of their lives, both developed to turn out to be practiced men.Washington turned into the author of Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute and composed the Atlanta Compromise. He was additionally the main dark man welcome to the White House. Dubois turned into the organizer of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) and won a Lenin Peace Prize just as his numerous scholastic triumphs. The two men were exceptionally enormous figures in social equality in the late nineteenth century. Anyway they had totally different perspectives when it went to the philosophical methodology of accomplishing these rights.Washington accepted that blacks ought to acknowledge racial segregation for now and focus on socially promoting themselves through difficult work. He accepted that African Americans could acquire the regar d and common fairness that they wanted from whites by having training in physical abilities and high temperances. Dubois, while concurring that African Americans ought to improve their instruction and further themselves in the public arena, was offended by racial shamefulness and disparity and requested his privileges rather than simply pardoning the racism.The nineteenth century was honored to have such men as Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Dubois. Without these authentic figures, who knows where African Americans would be today. In the event that these men lived today they would be overpowered to see that they rolled out an improvement in the public arena, that today blacks and whites are companions in the public eye, that they have equivalent rights, can work similar occupations, read similar books, and live in indistinguishable neighborhoods from the white men, and we even have a dark president.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Brand Perception Impact of Advertising for Starbucks Company Essay
The Brand Perception Impact of Advertising for Starbucks Company - Essay Example These models are created utilizing recorded deals and promoting program information. Programming of promoting media commitment models are utilized for advertising model application (Mathieson, 2005). How does the administration of an organization realize that they have best area conspire How does the administration come to realize that the organization will get expected outcomes from the focused on promoting program plot How the organization will get the piece of the pie, development in costs, purchaser's fulfillment and restricting bit of leeway result However building up an organization position conspire isn't simple. Since organizations don't build up their area plot on visit premise, yes the alterations will be occur on the phase of item advertise development, in light of ecological changes and on restricting powers however it doesn't imply that organization is growing much of the time. After the accomplishment of the item, the organization has the privilege to change their item conspire yet not their area plot since it is difficult for any organization possibly they produce their items for a huge scope or taking things down a notch (Goodchild, 2001). The situation of an organization assumes a basic job in the brand's nature of an organization (Day, 2002). Some of the time a few blunders are engaged with the area plot after the achievement of item. ... These area blunders incorporate; UNDERPOSITIONING: Under situating can happen when the purchasers don't have certain thoughts regarding the organization and its item and don't have clear observations with respect to both (Aaker, 1994). OVER POSITIONING: This over situating can happen when the purchasers don't mindful that how much cash ought to be spent on the item since that item is accessible in showcase in a lot less expensive rates (Cravens and Piercy). So purchasers have made their limited pondering the organization, item or brand. Confounded POSITION: Confounded situating occurs in purchasers when the successive changes happen in the area of the brand (David, 1987). So purchasers don't understood that this item is beneficial for them or not. Far fetched POSITIONING: An item loses its validity when cases are made on it. Situating AND TARGETING STRATEGIES: At the point when the board takes a choice to focus on a few portions then the situating plan gets testing. The principle objective of the board is to build up a suitable situating plan for each section (Kanuk, 1999). The method of centering situating plan ought to be utilized for each focused on section. The brand situating is where representatives give their administrations and take care of the issues of the focused on clients. On the off chance that an organization is on the right area, at that point it gives more advantages and gets separated from others which are fundamental for pulling in the purchasers (BrandXpress blog, 2005). Research Questions: The point of this examination is to look at the impacts of marking on the promoting of the Starbucks Company. Targets Research targets include: To audit the writing about this issue up till now. To improve the mindfulness about marking. To break down the points of interest and hindrances connected. To examine
Sunday, August 9, 2020
The Human Factor And String Theory
The Human Factor And String Theory Stu, Matt, Nance, Daniel and I are all down in NYC for the College Board Conference with a gazillion other admissions professionals. Things are pretty busy by day, but at night weve been heading to this sports bar that Matt discovered which is so pro-red-sox that its almost like being in Boston or Cambridge. Sortof surreal to experience that in Manhattan, but Im not complaining. Thats one of the things I love about New York you can find every single kind of person here, even Red Sox fans. This trip will conclude my fall travel season, so Ill get back to blogging more frequently in November. In the meantime, here are a couple of links to tide you over: First, The Human Factor is a video that MIT has developed for its new Campaign For Students, a big fundraising campaign that will take us through the years leading up to our 150th anniversary. The video was designed to remind alums of all the reasons they love MIT, but I thought you guys might enjoy it as well. I definitely did I think its pretty brilliant. Second, I recently came across this contest that Brian Greene put together, to see who could best explain string theory in two minutes or less. (Note that one of the people in the viewers choice winning video is wearing an MIT sweatshirt. :-) Only a few more days remain before the EA deadline. Best of luck to all of you who are finishing up your EA applications!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Joy Luck Club Is Mostly About Reflection - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2016 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/08/06 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Joy Luck Club Essay Did you like this example? The Joy Luck Club is mostly about reflection. As the moms astuteness theyre refinement and agony, their experience and love to their little girls, and the little girls come to learn and esteem their folks, the novel passes on its prosperous messages. Amy Tans novel translates that her story is tied in with finding that piece of desire that empowers a man to survive, be strong, deal with whatever that individual need to do with their life. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Joy Luck Club Is Mostly About Reflection" essay for you Create order Amy Tan demonstrates the gathering of people the battle of the mother and little girls when ascending in Chinese and American ways of life. In the book The Joy Luck Club, the author Amy Tan forms the story by center around the dispute between low-setting American and high-setting Chinese culture. The four young ladies and four mothers raise in amazingly separating preparing ways, which advantage them to various depictions. In any case, friendship and accomplishment can at last oblige the genuine rivalry of age hole. The novel set up with an account of the departure of Suyuan Woo, Jing-meis mom, and the foundation of the Joy Luck Club. The people join three other Chinese nonnative families. The four moms have little girls conceived in America, who have a solid misconception to China. They declined to learn Chinese language and guideline; on account of they dont know anything about China. As their moms help them to manage their difficulties in existence with feeling and desire, they at long last know something they fundamentally should think about China. The novel terminations with Jing-meis visit to China, which surveys her of Chinese blood. The colossal subject is the age gap among mother and a young lady, caused by the conflict of Chinese culture and American culture. Additionally, on account of the unique verifiable time of Republican China, the moms expectations, the capacity to their girls are too much solid. It is another inspiration to issue the dispute. Amy Tan propel the topic that despite the fact that there is a cultural conflict between Chinese mother and American little girl, expectation, and love can accommodate the contention using setting and live portra yal. Jing-mei Woo and Suyuan Woo are an American little girl and a Chinese mother. Suyuan was dead four months back, leaving a moving story of a swan quill. Jing-mei has never satisfied Suyuans presumption amid her lifetime, and she is by all accounts not sufficiently unadulterated. Jing-mei doesnt understand the story Suyuan discloses to her since she has never been in China amid the Republican Era. In any case, Suyuan realizes that her girl is a kind individual, who is vastly improved than Waverly for this situation. At the point when her lost sisters are build in China at long last, Jing-mei is requested to assume her moms position in the Joy Luck Club by the three companions of her mom. However, she says that she doesnt have any acquaintance with her mom at all,and she has nothing to state! As Tan expresses, What will I say? What would i be able to educate them concerning my mom? I dont know anything. Regardless she settles on a choice to go to China with Suyuans faith keeping in mind the end goal to support her. From that point forward, Suyuans history is advised to Jingmei, she finds that she at long last thinks about her mom. As Tan expresses, I lay wakeful reasoning about my moms story, acknowledging the amount I have never thought about her, lamenting that my sisters and I had both lost her. From misconception to comprehension, Jing-meis Chinese blood is reviewed by her gathering her sisters for Suyuan toward the finish of the novel, and the hole between them never again exists. Maybe her name is emblematic of her disarray: she is the main little girl with both a Chinese and an American name. As she reviews existence with her mom, June relates that she is constantly told by her mom, Suyuan Woo, that she doesnt attempt and consequently cant make progress A mei Hsu and Rose Hsu are a Chinese mother and an American little girl. A mei is educated in the customary Chinese path amid her youth, while she shows her little girl in a contrary American way. Be that as it may, Rose ends up being much the same as her grandma! As a result of the passing of her younger sibling years back, Rose turns into no longer hopeful yet vulnerable. Amid the separation of Rose and Ted, she makes no assurance herself, even doesnt acknowledge her own particular worth as a confident lady. She is chargeable of enabling her significant other to shape her. He doesnt need her to be an accomplice in family finding until the point that he makes an oversight in his training as a plastic specialist. At that point, he blames that she cant decide: he is disappointed with his creation. So A mei reveals to her stories to Rose and fortifies her to have her individual conviction. She says to Rose, You should have an independent mind, what you should do. On the off chance that somebody lets you know, at that point you are not attempting. In the end, Rose discovers her concealed self-assurance and picks not to give away the house back to Ted since it is now a major piece of her life. The fortitude she gets from her mom makes her totally sure. Waverly Jong and Lindo Jong are an American little girl and a Chinese mother. The war among them proceeded with all through Waverlys youth toward grown-up life, in spite of she is an absolutely insightful and free lady. Without a doubt, Lindo is a mother with stable ability, which truly adjusts Waverly a considerable measure. For example in the novel, She wore a triumphant grin. Most grounded breeze cant be seen, she said. From playing chess to Waverlys life partner, Lindo reliably reproves her. A significant part of the moms and girls discussions appear to be centered around debating, arranging, and meandering between the two different social rationales. Waverly transforms into a chess champion at 9 years of age; Lindo, for the most part, needs them to flaunt. After than Waverly quits playing chess savagely. After numerous years Lindo causes Waverly wed a Chinese man who she doesnt love by any means. She absolutely separates from him, yet they have a girl! At the point when Waverly finds a sweetheart without anyone elses input, Lindo rebukes him routinely, which rouses their last fight. Finally, Lindo exhort her little girl her genuine consideration, and they clean the air. Waverly stands up to her mom after a supper party and understands that her mom has known from the beginning about her association with Rich and has acknowledged him. Waverly and Rich masterminds a trek to China with Lindo best aspirations, showing the affirmation connecting of Chinese and American culture. China perseveres through the severity of Japanese action a great deal while the Republican Era. Ordinary individuals carried on with a totally extreme life. Their homes were extended, and their lives were an insignificant hazard. Chinese armed forces guaranteed to battle inverse to Japanese, however heartbreakingly they were falling toward the start. Suyuans expression in novel discovers that: We knew the Japanese were winning, notwithstanding when the daily papers said they were definitely not. Consistently, consistently, a great many individuals filled the city, swarming the walkways, searching for spots to live And I knew he was instructing me to flee from Kweilin. I realized the end result for officers and their families when the Japanese arrived. The armed forces had strong confirmation, as one reference Chinese powers were set up to battle the Japanese until the very end, and they frequently did. Suyuan then takeoff from Kweilin to Chungking due to the unforgiving war, an adventure so debilitating that she jolts a serious malady in transit and needs to neglect her two twin infants! After Suyuans passing, her three companions in Joy Luck Club resources her off track babies alive in China. Jing-mei goes to China to distinguish them for compromise at the conclusion on the grounds that the trek remembers the Chinese blood in her body and make her, a Chinese American, acknowledge about the energy of China. In view of the despairing knowledge four moms have in China, they all escape to America for an astounding new life. For instance, Suyuan decides on her approach to America, Over yonder, no one will look down on her, since I will influence her to talk just flawless American English. They truly bear a ton of accomplishment for their new motivation, employment, and even their kids. They each face work or dialect intricacy in their underlying foreigner lives. Notwithstanding, they all annihilations the hardships later and have children and girls who lives in America. They trust a considerable measure from them, yet a portion of their kids always mislead them. Strikingly, none of these moms yearns for her little girl to be Chinese after only Chinese routes, for every lady has come to America with the plan of improving an existence in which her family would know the mythical American triumphs (Mistri 1). Jing-mei says, when they meet again in the Joy Luck Club after Suyuans demise, And after that, it jumps out at me. They are panicked. In me, they see their own particular little girls, similarly as uninformed, similarly as ignorant of the considerable number of realities and expectations they have conveyed to America. The moms require their little girls to be individuals with both Chinese and American identity, however they all tumble. The little girls just have American mind, they even flotsam and jetsam to acknowledge Chinese theory and dialect. In reality, the objective is trying to perceive, and it causes the age division and social complexities. Amy Tan composes The Joy Luck Club with the emphasis on setting and portrayal about a genuine conflict between Chinese culture and American culture, which causes numerous contentions between the age hole. The little girls are all at a misfortune on managing either settler character or passionate issues, however the moms help them to conquer the issues with expectation, influence and love. I learnt a ton in the wake of perusing this magnificent novel. Mother and girl ought to see each other all together not to cause an age hole. Whats more, a couple should regard each other, in light of the fact that they might be mates through entire life. In addition, every one of us should know the value of ourselves, on the grounds that everybody is the just a single in this world. I need my paper to pass on being certain to indicate love and would like to each other, which I believe is a standout amongst the most essential characters in the life to improve a world. The American-conceived little girls never get a handle on to these characteristics, and as the book appears, they turned out to be totally not quite the same as their absolutely Chinese guardians. They never pick up a feeling of genuine regard for their seniors, or for their Chinese foundation, and at last are totally not quite the same as what their folks arranged them to be. All in all, by the stories and data given by every person in The Joy Luck Club, it is obvious to me exactly how extraordinary a Chinese-American individual is from their folks or more established relatives. I find that the captivating trials and encounters that these Chinese moms experienced are a demonstration of their persevering nature, and steady dedication to their older folks. Their little girls, then again, demonstrate that unadulterated Chinese blood can be changed totally through only one age. They have turned out to be American in their discourse, as well as in their contemplations, activities and ways of life. This novel has not just given extraordinary knowledge into the Chinese mindset and living, however it has demonstrated the immense complexity that happens from age to age, in the passing on of thoughts and customs.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Should Multiculturalism Be Beneficial For Australians
Multiculturalism is acceptance of different cultural traditions of people from other countries in your country. Before Multiculturalism hit Australia they are very strict with non-European people because they wanted to preserve their British ethno-cultural identity, they implemented a law called â€Å"White Australia Policy†which restricts immigration for non-Europeans and limits cultural and ethnic diversity of immigrants which lasted from 1901 to 1973. But after the policy ended, around the 70’s also refugees have started to arrive and this have started the Multiculturalism Policy and today Australia now is one of the most multicultural and diverse countries with more than 200 languages spoken with English being the most common language used. Now is Multiculturalism be beneficial for Australians? A good thing about Australian Multiculturalism is mutual respect, this is according to a 2011 Sydney Morning Herald article by Chris Bowen, he states what makes Australian Great he gave the 3 elements which it’s still pinned down by Australian Cultural values, theirs is Citizenship based which means Immigrants will get full benefits of the Australian Society, and Political Bi-partisanship specifically on its creation with Al Grassby having a desire to bring this policy to Malcolm Fraser making it a official Policy. Furthermore Australia’s Multiculturalism is different before Australia’s Immigration policy is originally driven by economic imperatives but now the governmentShow MoreRelatedThe Australian Perception Of Asia1952 Words  | 8 PagesAustralia has experienced huge changes in terms of its policy, culture, economy and races within Australia since a great number of immigrants came to Australia for their living. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Laser Intruder Alarm System Free Essays
[LASER BASED SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM] This Document contains Project Report of Autumn 2012 of Course CT-111. PROJECT REPORT LASER BASED SECURITY ALARM ? An Alarm is a type of security equipment that can be used to safeguard houses and property. ? Now a days Burglar Crimes are continually rising with each passing day. We will write a custom essay sample on Laser Intruder Alarm System or any similar topic only for you Order Now ? Many have lost homes and families through violent burglaries in many countries ? Some of them lost most precious things such as Jewelry, Vehicles, huge investments in banks etc.. ? This led to the development of ALARM SYSTEM Basic circuit Alarm Interface: ? We used LDR to detect Laser Light. LDR pin was Fed to Op-Amp input leg. ? Clock pulse to 4017 was taken from Op-Amp output pin. Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) ? LDRs or Light Dependent Resistors are very useful especially in light/dark sensor circuits. Normally the resistance of an LDR is very high, sometimes as high as 1000 000 ohms, but when they are illuminated with light resistance drops dramatically. ? Which acts as an sensor for our circuit. Op-Amp-741 ? The OP AMP is a ‘Linear Amplifier ? Its main purpose is to amplify (increase) a weak signal ? The OP-AMP has two inputs, INVERTING -2nd pin and NONINVERTING – 3rd pin, and one output at pin 6 1. An inverting amplifier ? Leg two is the input and the output is always reversed. In an inverting amplifier the voltage enters the 741 chip through leg two and comes out of the 741 chip at leg six. If the polarity is positive going into the chip, it becomes negative by the time it comes out through leg six. The polarity has been ‘inverted’. 2. A non-inverting amplifier ? Leg three is the input and the output is not reversed. In a non-inverting amplifier the voltage enters the 741 chip through leg three and leaves the 741 chip through leg six. This time if it is positive going into the 741 then it is still positive coming out. Polarity remains the same. How it helps ? ? When the illumination on LDR stops its resistance increases so the leg 2 of Op-Amp gets less voltage. ? Then it acts as non-Inverting amplifier. ? It gives high voltage to transistor which ultimately passes current to buzzer and the buzzer buzzes. 4017-Timer ? The 4017 decade counter has ten outputs which go HIGH in sequence when a source of pulses is connected to the CLOCK input and when suitable logic levels are applied to the RESET and ENABLE inputs. ? Internally, the 4017 contains five bi-stable subunits. These are interconnected in a pattern known as a Johnson counter. The outputs of the bi-stables are decoded to give the ten individual outputs. Operating voltages and currents of 4017 Timer: ? Minimum-6v ? Maximum-15v ? Max current-15mA ? Max speed of operation-5MHz Pin Configuration: Output waveforms of 4017 Timer: Sensor Interface.. ? What if some Authentic Person want to enter into say some Bank-Locker system in some Banks. ? Here we will provide a unique Identification card. ? We used a sensor to recognize and electronic prototyped platform to switch off the Alarm system. Basic Circuit for Slot Sensor: Slot Sensor Working Principle: It contains an Infrared Light Emitting Diode and an photo transistor. ? When power is supplied to the IR-LED it emits IR rays towards the photo transistor. ? There is a finite voltage drop across resistor. ? In the absence of light, output carrier has high voltage. What is arduino? ? It is an open-sourced free electronic prototyping platform. ? In our project we used the arduino uno microcontroller. ? Uno has five a nalog inputs. ? Six pwm signal outputs. ? In our project Uno facilitates the use of the slot sensors. Code: ? The code consists of two parts, both mandatory o o ? ? ? 1. setup() 2. loop() etup() is used to set the various ports of the uno as i/o. loop()- this part of the code is run indefinetly. void setup() { pinMode(8,OUTPUT); pinMode(A0,INPUT); pinMode(A1,INPUT); pinMode(A2,INPUT); pinMode(A3,INPUT); Serial. begin(9600); } // sets pin 8 as OUTPUT port. // sets A0-5 // †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. // as INPUTS. They take in analog inputs // from the slot sensors and OpAmp out. /* a communication link between Uno and computer is set at 9600 baud. */ void loop() { int a0=analogRead(A0); int a1=analogRead(A1); int a2=analogRead(A2); // four variables a0-a3 are integer variables // these take in analog input values from the // corresponding ports. nt a3=analogRead(A3); // the input voltage what ever voltage is represented as a 0-1024 bit value. if( ! (a0300 a1300 a2300 )) { If(a3500) { tone(8,10 00); buzzer at 8 /* a pwm signal with duty-cycle 50% is sent to a port with a time period of 1sec. */ delay(100); } } noTone(8); Transmitter Receiver Interface: ? Say in some apartments or malls if we use Laser alarm system, if there is any robbery the alarm should beep at the security guard/control room. ? We will transmit the message to all security systems in the mall/apartment So that we can alert them. We used RF-Transmitter and Receiver to transmit the message. ? We used Encoding and Decoding Schemes for protected transmission. ? For that we used HT12E(Encoder), HT12D(Decoder). ? For Demonstration purpose we are using LED’s to show the received message. Transmitter Receiver: ? RF module comprises of an RF Transmitter and an RF Receiver. The transmitter/receiver (Tx/Rx) pair operates at a frequency of 434 MHz. ? In this RF system, the digital data is represented as variations in the amplitude of carrier wave. This kind of modulation is known as Amplitude Shift Keying ( ASK). An RF transmitter receives serial data and transmits it wirelessly through RF through its antenna connected at pin4. ? The transmission occurs at the rate of 1Kbps – 10Kbps. The transmitted data is received by an RF receiver operating at the same frequency as that of the transmitter. Overall view of Transmitter and Receiver: TWS-434 Transmitter: ? TWS-434: The transmitter output is up to 8mW at 433. 92MHz with a range of approximately 400 foot (open area) outdoors. Indoors, the range is approximately 200 foot ? The TWS-434 transmitter accepts digital inputs, can operate from 1. 5 to 12 Volts-DC Encoder-HT12E: This 18 pin IC consists of 8 address pins and 4 data pins with a transmission enable(TE) and oscillator pins ? Transmission takes place from DOUT pin only when TE pin is grounded. ? Address bits are significant because at the receiver the decoder matches the address bits and latch the output only when address bits are matched. Transmitter Circuit: †¢ The messa ge is present at the Data pins in the form of logic state (1 or 0). †¢ Whenever a data pin is grounded along with TE, a 12 bit message signal is generated with its first 8 bits representing the address state and last 4 bits containing the data. The 0 state is encoded as a pulse higher duration and 1 state is encoded as pulse with shorter duration RWS-434 Receiver: †¢ RWS-434: The receiver also operates at 433. 92MHz, and has a sensitivity of 3uV. The RWS-434 receiver operates from 4. 5 to 5. 5 voltsDC, and has both linear and digital outputs. Decoder-HT12D: ? The decoder receives serial address and data from a RF receiver which catches data through antenna. ? It compares the serial input data 3 times continuously with its local address. If no error or matched codes are found then the input data codes are decoded and then transferred to the output pin. The VT pin also goes high to indicate a Valid Transmission (VT). Soldering: ? ? We used chip sockets for Soldering purpose, So that we can prevent chips burning out while soldering. We used female strip for soldering in order to prevent RF-Transmitter and Receiver from burning off’s. Individual Contributions Nagendra Chowdary Before deciding on this project of LASER based intruder detection and security system, we had ideas about two or three other projects. We sat down in group and took up this project because we could divide work to each and every member in this project. I came up with the idea of using RF Transmitter and receiver so that in case of intruder detection, we can alarm the security person at some other place. I also spent considerable time on studying about the Slot Sensors which we have used to validate the entry of an authentic person. Apart from this, soldering was not an easy task for us as we were doing it for the first time. We made mistakes during soldering and had to de-soldering the circuit many times. Due to this, we all had to contribute to soldering part in turns. Circuit assembling was the most important aspect of our project. Earlier we had taken up a circuit from â€Å"Electronics For You†magazine. We spent almost two days on assembling that circuit but it didn’t work. After that we decided to change the circuit and instead of using LASER detecting diode, we used photo resistors. We tried to make the circuit simpler, so I studied all the components of the circuit and tried to remove some of them to see if the circuit was still functioning. Apart from this, I compiled the data given by my group members to make the final presentation. Abhinav Tripathi Id: 201101001. We had decide to make a LASER based intruder detection alarm but I thought that it will be better to make it into a security system to validate the entry of authentic people. For this purpose I thought of making a card swapping system using LED and photoresistors so that when a person comes with a valid card the buzzer should not beep. Later, we searched internet and I decided to use slot sensors for this purpose. All the group members, suggested ways of integrating the buzzer and the sensor interface to ensure desired functionality. Soldering seemed to be tough task for us. I started with the soldering and was later joined by other group members too. I also made contribution in debugging the circuit several times when it didn’t work. All of us studied about the various components of the circuit. I did focused study of the Timer- 4017 and the encoder used in RF transmitter. Apart from this, I also devoted time to understand the functioning of the slot sensors and finding equivalent resistance for slot sensor circuit, implemented it in our circuit. Srinivas SriVasthav Bontula Id-201101025. After we decided on the topic that is Laser Based Intruder Alarm. I came up the Circuit . Our first attempt was a failure. In our first attempt we used Voltage Regulator IC-7805 , Phototransistor L14F1, Opamp IC-LM356, Timer IC-555, Transistor – BC548. Then we searched for various others circuits, finally while watching some videos on Laser Alarms We found out a circuit . In our second attempt we connected this circuit and it worked. The components we used in this circuit are – Counter – 4017, instead of Phototransistor in the previous circuits we used a LDR( light dependant Resistor) , Opamp IC-741. After we finished the basic Laser Circuit we came up with this idea of using an RF Transmitter and Reciever , so that we detect the alarm at the place we want. I also spent some time in studying and understanding the circuit. I did my part in connecting the circuit. We assigned tasks to every member of our group regarding the working principles of Laser Circuit, Transmitter , Reciever , Slot Sensor. My task was to study and understand the working of Laser Alarm circuit. First we connected everything on the Breadboard and checked whether the circuit worked. And then finally we soldered the RF transmitter and Reciever on the PCB. I also helped in soldering the circuit. Even after we finished everything our circuit didn’t function properly twice or thrice at that time I helped in debugging the circuit. Karan J. Dave ID: 201101019 I was very excited to do project after we decided the project of Laser Based Security Alarm. First of all I tried to find some circuits of such project in Google and YouTube. We found some 2-3 circuits from different source but in 2 of them we chased many problems regarding to buzz on and off alarm. Finally we got one circuit from YouTube. I studied about chips which are used in that circuit. I studied about LDR, OP-AMP and 4017 TIMER. I got the chance to know about inverting and non-inverting OP-AMP. I studied about 4017 TIMER from its datasheet got from the internet and I had known about that from my friends also. I studied about HT12E (Encoder) which was used in RF-Transmitter and HT12D (Decoder) used in RF-Receiver. I did soldering of some of the circuits. I did circuit assembling and debugging with my friends. I did also resource-management work for our project. I really enjoyed the whole project by doing this all things. Thanks to you sir for giving us this wonderful opportunity. From our project we have learnt team-work, time-management and we could feel that now we are the engineers. T Pavan Nagaraju Id: 201101024 Initially I helped in connecting a Alarm Based circuit Interface which consists of Voltage Regulator IC-7805 , Phototransistor L14F1, Opamp IC-LM356, Timer IC-555, Transistor – BC548. But we are unable to get The Desired Output from It then We Switched to a circuit that does the work of alarm and many of our group mates were not able to understand the working of IC 4017 Timer. Which works using Jonson Counter I understood the Concept and working principle of the Jonson Counter Which is basically made of 5 bi-stable (D-Flip flops) I understood that which a Logic from this 10 states of the Jonson Counter the output pins get hot coded high output. And get to know how this reset button be useful and Implemented in this IC 4017 . As This IC 4017 is made of n-MOS I applied my Digital Logic Knowledge and come to know that there will be some Dynamic Hazards. I had soldered the Receiver part in the RF Receiver And understood why encoding is necessary In any signal transmission . So we can have Bit recovery and Safe Signal transmission. I worked in circuit assembling and debugging circuits. I did the documentation part for the presentation regarding 4017-Timer and Receiver part. Archit Bakliwal ID: 201101005. When we started our project, our key concern was to make a security alarm. But as we proceed further, we also used the idea of slot sensing which is mainly used for the entry of authentic person in banks, buildings etc. But later on, all of sudden, I thought that there is no part of communication in out project. Then everyone realized that we have to do something more than just making an alarm. So, Then, I, along with one of my friend, came up with the idea of making receiver and transmission interface in our project. Soldering is referred as major part of making a circuit. Initially, it seemed to be difficult task because chips were more likely to burn but as I had a little experience with it, so it didn’t remain a tough task for us. I have also played keen role in assembling the circuit which was not an easy task. I have also contributed in making the circuit and have done detailed study on functionality of various components of the circuit. Specially regarding Timer4017,LM71 Opamp, HT12e Encoder, HT12d Decoder, RWS 434 receiver, TWS 434 transmitter etc. This detailed study helped me to know about the components and analyzing the circuit for resource management and documentation. DHARMIK THAKKAR Id: 201101006 Our Project was LASER BASED INTRUDER DETECTION ALARM which could be used for security system in building apartments, banks, malls, etc. The project was extended to validate the entry of some authentic person such that a person with valid card enters the buzzer shouldn’t buzz. For this purpose slot sensors were used to keep a check upon valid entry. The project further used RF Transmitter and Receiver interface so that if some unauthentic entry takes place security system is alerted which was accomplished by glowing LED’s at Receiver interface. My role for the project was study of chips which included analysing availability and functionalities of LDR, TWS TRANSMITTER 434, RWS RECEIVER 434 and DECODER HT12D. I helped my team mates in Soldering purpose as it seemed to be tough task for us. Soldering purpose was successfully accomplished without burning chips by the use of chip sockets and female strips. I collected information regarding various phases i. . Alarm, Sensor and RF Transmitter and Receiver interfaces of our project and analysed the circuit for Resource Management and Documentation that could be used for Slide Preparation. I also helped in Circuit Assembling. Prasoon Id: 201101036 After lots of idea’s our group stick to the topic that is Laser Based Intruder Detector Alarm in which we created a body which contained a main circuit that produced voltage when light didn’t fall on the LDR. The circuit contained many component that need to be study so I helped in understanding the function of opamp LM 741. The material for our project was hard to find sometime so I was the one of the prime candidate for fetching these material. Our circuit also contained audrino board, Slot sensor(for security system) and RF transmitter and receiver these circuits were also hard to make but our group combined to make it look easy. I helped in assembling these circuit many times. Soldering also was a main part of our project which was a difficult task, I helped in many parts of the task also we needed to remove mistake from the circuit and documentation which was also a combined effort, In presentation every one had there slides to make. At the last it’s a combined effort by our group. Ankit Chaparwal ID: 201101017. For the project everybody came up with new innovative ideas, at last we decided to make a laser based intruder detection alarm, but in group discussion we decided to make it in a security system to validate entry of an authentic person. For this purpose we used slot sensors. In the project I helped the Group members in soldering . Other then that I had assembled the receivers circuit with one of the Group members and also prepared Slide for presentation on LDR . Studied on LDR and thought about how it can be used as a sensor in our circuit. Anuroop Kuppam My involvement in the project , coding the Arduino micro-controller. In our project Arduino provides an interface between the slot sensors and the alarm system. So the micro-controller needs to be coded. The micro-controller takes the input from the slot sensors and then decides whether to enable the alarm system or not. Hence the operating voltages margins of the micro-controller needs to be determined manually. After this was done we used these margins in making the micro-controller work accordingly. Having seen a lot of coding samples on the INTERNET , I came up with a code which serves the purpose of the project . The code then was debugged in certain places and further processed and fine tuned to fit perfectly and decrease various delays that we have encountered in the course of making the alarm system. I also soldered the various components of the RF receiver and the slot sensor onto the perforated circuit board and debugged the circuit to make it work. How to cite Laser Intruder Alarm System, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Software Project Management Past Year Paper free essay sample
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FICT) Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) Software and Project Management UCCD2033 Group Assignment 1 – The Business Idea and Project Management Plan THE TEAM Form a team of FOUR(4) persons. THE BUSINESS IDEA The team must submit an outline of an ORIGINAL innovative business idea that addresses the existing information technology market needs or explores the new market niche. The business idea must be based on a software product that create income or value to the IT company that you are working with. The idea will be judged based on the originality of the idea (uniqueness), a creative approach in the business strategy, commercial viability and prospect of grow. The proposed software system can be standalone, web-based, or enterprise-wide, so long as it creates value to the targeted market. Produce a detail, simple-to-understand and clear scope statement in 1-paragraph and maximum 300 words. Produce word count in a new line. We will write a custom essay sample on Software Project Management Past Year Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page You should state precisely your target market and justify why you think this group will want to source for your product. Include as much as possible other important details. (5 marks) 2. Section 2. 0: Product and service description. Include some diagram/illustration/picture to show what exactly can your proposed system do. (5 marks) 3. Section 3. 0: Cost breakdown structure.Assume the sponsor approved an initial budget of RM150,000 for your proposed project, outline the initial cost breakdown accordingly in at least 10 distinct areas by showing clear calculations on how the figures are derived. (5 marks) 4. Section 4. 0: Technology description. Perform an online research to find suitable and relevant information technology algorithm/method that can be used to implement the core component of the proposed system. Include at least THREE(3) research papers (not older than 2006) to support your description in this section, by summarizing each of the author’s proposed algorithm or method used in similar area.The research papers must be attached in Appendix of the report. Proper referencing in body text and reference section should be observed. (10 marks) 5. Section 5. 0: Financial analysis. Calculate NPV, ROI, IRR and payback period for your proposed project, assuming the project life is 6 years. Show clearly how each figure is derived, particularly the benefit, cost, and all the rates used. Compare your results with another chosen group with clear justification on why your project has to be selected. (5 marks) 6. Section 6. 0: Gantt chart.Create a Gantt chart using MS-Project 2003/2007. Show all types of task dependencies and at least 5 milestones. (5 marks) 7. Section 7. 0: Integrated change control. Assume the sponsor suddenly informed you of the bad news that the company was cutting down on IT spending due to uncertain economic condition in the country. The approved budget was now RM120,000, a drastic reduction of 20%. Show what would be performed to update changes pertaining to cost and timeline. (10 marks) 8. References, report format and appendix. (5 marks) Hand-in Date:Distribution Date: 19th January 2011 The assignment should be word-processed and hand-in by: 3rd March 2011 (6 weeks) Plagiarism: Plagiarism is seen as a serious cheating issue. Do not do it. Those who are caught to copy or allow others to copy part of or the entire work will be given a ZERO for this assignment. Assessment Criteria: The assignment contributes to 10% of the total marks graded in this unit. Students who fail to submit their work by the due date will be given a ZERO.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
benjamin bloom Essay Example
benjamin bloom Essay Benjamin Bloom: The Development of American Education America is filled with a history of significant events that have taken place over time. Its interesting to learn how specific events, people, places or subjects have greatly influenced our history in ways that still impact our lives today. Because I really value history as a subject, I have enjoyed researching Benjamin Bloom and the findings of his impact on American Education. He made many great contributions in the area of education. A great deal of his research focused on the study of ducational objectives, many of which have been evaluated by numerous individuals, particularly teachers in the class room. His extraordinary findings grasped the attention of many and are still utilized today. Benjamin S. Bloom was a Jewish-American psychologist. He was born in Lansford, Pennsylvania on February 21, 1913. Bloom had attended the Pennsylvania State University where he obtained his bachelors and masters degree in 1935. Upon doing so, he then moved to the University of Chicago where he completed his Ph. D. n education in 1942 and served as a member of the Board of Examinations. In 1944, he was appointed as the Instructor of Educational Psychology. Bloom died at the age of eighty six at his home in Chicago on September 13, 1999. He was survived by his wife and two his two sons, David and Jonathan. Bloom was a well known educational theorist and teacher. Together with a group of cognitive psychologists at the University of Chicago, Bloom developed his theory on taxonomy and his book of Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Handbook 1: The Cognitive Domain was published in 1956. His theory of taxonomy however is his most significant work. We will write a custom essay sample on benjamin bloom specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on benjamin bloom specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on benjamin bloom specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It promoted the concept that any any given task favors one of three psychological domains; cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The cognitive domain deals with the ability to process and utilize information in a meaningful way. The affective domain is concerned with the attitudes and feelings that result from the learning process. The psychomotor domain involves manipulative or physical skills. Similar to Abraham Maslow and his hierarchy of needs, Bloom believed that in each of his psychological domains there are levels of learning and an individual must be ble to perform at the lower level before they can advance. The cognitive domain involves both knowledge and the development of intellectual skills. In 1956, Bloom headed a group of educational psychologists who developed a classification of levels of intellectual behavior that are important to learning. Bloom discovered that over 95% of the test questions students encounter require them to think only at the lowest level possible. There are six major categories, starting from the simplest behavior to the most complex evaluation. This multi tiered odel of classifying thinking according to the six levels of complexity is known as Blooms Taxonomy. The levels provide a basis for questioning that ensures that the students progress to their highest level on understanding. The keywords listed after the definition represent some of that tasks that the student can accomplish in each of the categories. The first level in Blooms Taxonomy is Knowledge: Remembering or recognizing something previously encountered without necessarily understanding, using, or cnanglng It. some 0T tne Keynuoras tnat Tall unaer Knowledge are: aennes, escribes, identifies, knows, matches, names. The second level is known as Comprehension: Understanding the material being communicated without necessarily relating it to anything else. Some of the keywords that fall under this category are: distinguishes, estimates, explains, locate. The third tier is is called Application: Using general concepts to solve a problem. Some of the keywords that fall under application are: apply, demonstrate, interpret, sketch, solve. The fourth tier is called Analysis: The ability to break down material into its component parts. Keywords include: analyze, appraise, calculate, criticize, experiment, question. The fifth tier is called Synthesis: The ability to put parts together to form a new whole. Key words include: arrange, assemble, collect, construct, manage, plan, prepare. The last tier, but not at all the least important, is Evaluation: The ability to Judge that value of material for a given purpose. Keywords may include: argue, assess, Judge,predict, rate, value, evaluate. In ED 205, we only talked briefly about Bloom and his taxonomy. However, when you really pick it apart and analyze all the steps, you as a future teacher begin to nderstand and assess the value of it for your children and how it can change their learning experience. I personally value Blooms Taxonomy and I believe that it is a basic process that most people use to learn and remember a new concept. Almost all projects start with an idea where students are to create their own outline or idea and then evaluate and analyze that idea. Once the idea has been applied it will help the students understand the concept, which makes remembering it much easier. According to www. pro]ects. coe. uga. edu, While it should be noted that other ducational taxonomies and hierarchical systems have been developed, Blooms Taxonomy which remains, even after nearly fifty years, the de facto standard. More and more educators are beginning to use this as a method of classifying educational goals and objectives in their classroom. Blooms Taxonomy has also been used by researchers and administrators, old and new, at any level of education necessary. This is truly what gave Bloom the ambition to link his name to all of these terms that he created in his new invention, for th ey will always be a part of his legacy, a forever widely used critical thinking tool. In class we discussed why Blooms Taxonomy is a very helpful tool to use as you being to plan your own lessons as a teacher. Some teachers may argue that his taxonomy is no longer used in todays educational world because it is seen as ineffective. Everyone has their own arguments for different ideas. The fact that I am still learning about it today and can see the impact it can have on future educators and students such as myself, I know that this critical thinking strategy will always remain in my life as well as the lives of many others, no matter what their profession may be.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Using Captions in Microsoft Word - Proofread My Papers Academic Blog
Using Captions in Microsoft Word - Proofread My Papers Academic Blog Using Captions in Microsoft Word The â€Å"Caption†options in Microsoft Word allow you to label images, diagrams, charts, illustrations and figures so your reader can quickly identify what they mean, as well as enabling use of the â€Å"dynamic†list functions offered by Microsoft Word. As such, using captions can help make sure your written work is clear, professionally presented and easy to follow. None of this is much good unless you know how to use captions, though, so strap in and we’ll run you through the basics. Adding Captions Adding a basic caption to an existing image/chart in your document is pleasingly straightforward: Right click on your image and select â€Å"Insert Caption†¦Ã¢â‚¬ from the menu In the pop-up window, choose how you want to label the image (e.g., Figure, Table, etc.) and whether you want it to appear above or below the image Add text that describes the image (e.g., â€Å"Figure 1: Experimental Apparatus†) and click â€Å"OK†This will make a caption appear in the chosen position. If you want to add a caption to something in the document other than an embedded image, position the cursor where you want to caption to appear and either: Go to the â€Å"References†tab and select â€Å"Insert Caption,†then follow the instructions above, or: Select the â€Å"Caption†option from the Styles menu and type; this creates captions without a â€Å"Label,†giving you more control over how they’re presented Setting Caption Style Microsoft Word comes with a default â€Å"Caption†style, but you can modify this through the â€Å"Styles†menu. If you want to set your own caption style, simply: Click on the arrow in the bottom right of the â€Å"Styles†menu on the â€Å"Home†tab to open the â€Å"Styles†sidebar Right click on â€Å"Caption†and select â€Å"Modify†¦Ã¢â‚¬ to open a new window In the pop up window, select the font/formatting options you require for your captions If you want to use different caption styles for different captions or in different parts of your document, you can do this by: Clicking on the â€Å"New Style†button on the â€Å"Styles†sidebar Selecting â€Å"Caption†under the â€Å"Style Based On†option Choosing a name for your new style (e.g., â€Å"Caption 2†) and selecting the font/formatting options required Using Captions As well as labeling your charts and images, using the â€Å"Caption†options in Microsoft Word means you can add a dynamic list of charts/figures to your document. This is quicker than creating a list manually, and you can update dynamic lists at the touch of a button, thereby ensuring they remain accurate even if you amend captions later on. To use this function: Position the cursor where you want the list to appear Go to the â€Å"References†tab and select â€Å"Insert Table of Figures†Choose the caption label type (e.g., Figure, Table, None) Click â€Å"OK†If you’re using more than one caption style, you can even create separate lists for different label types.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
F.A.T City (Movie review) Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
F.A.T City ( ) - Movie Review Example Third, lack of positive reinforcement for good performance and ridicule and harassment for bad performance harm the childs motivation and self-esteem. Fourth, children with learning disabilities are not merely â€Å"unmotivated,†as the common notion goes. Lavoie presents some adaptations and accommodations possible for a better classroom experience. First, students with learning disabilities can be given special queue to give them time to be ready to answer the teachers questions. This ensures that no additional anxiety is present every time they attend classroom lectures. Second, the teacher can ask for several answers to a specific question that will allow an exceptional learner to come up with a few answers themselves at the same time the rest of the regular learners come up with a complete list of answers. Third, ridicule should be avoided at all times. This ensures that children with learning disabilities do not feel less confident in attempting to answer questions since there is no risk of receiving negative remarks. support that is largely dependent on their needs and capabilities. For example, based on a first-hand observation, if a gifted child and a learning disabled child are in the same classroom, providing both children with the same information and support while expecting them to act according to the general standards applied to regular learners is not fair. Upon deeper reflection, one would see that regular learners had no problems adapting to the expectations. The gifted child found the task too easy, yet got bored with it. Unfortunately, the learning disabled child had a hard time keeping up with the rest of the class. To top it off, the regular students got no positive remarks, while the gifted child got praises. Unfortunately again for the learning disabled child, the teacher made a slightly negative comment for the lack of good performance. This could easily become a repeated pattern that would
Monday, February 3, 2020
The Essence of Arguments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Essence of Arguments - Essay Example These rules include distinguishing the premises and conclusions, presenting the ideas in a natural order and use of reliable premises (Weston, 2009). They also entail the use of definite and concrete language, as well as consistent terms and a single meaning for the terms used. Weston also addresses common logical fallacies in the final chapter of the book including ad hominem, ad populum, ad ignorantiam and ad misericordiam. I found A Rulebook for Arguments to be very informative and thought provoking. The non-Christian bias presented when arguing the existence of God was a little distracting for me. However, the book is an excellent guide to improving ones argument strategies applicable in both personal and professional environments. Managers are in a position that requires presentation of ideas to be adopted by the workforce. Therefore, it is necessary for managers to think critically, construct a sound argument and communicate their position effectively. In addition, the book is useful to any manager who intends to improve on their argumentation skills. The book is applicable to problem-solving since it emphasizes critical
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Reinforcement of Stereotypes in Television and Media
Reinforcement of Stereotypes in Television and Media Since the invention of television, racial, culture and ethnic stereotypes have been used to explain unknown cultures and ethnicities to those consuming content from this medium. Stereotypes on television were also used to gain new viewers whose ideals aligned with what was being presented in the programming as well keep viewers who may have been turned onto the show because of the stereotypes shown fit their perceptions of other races, cultures and ethnicities. However, many of these stereotypes paint certain racial, cultural, and ethnic groups in a negative light. These portrayals of race, ethnicity and culture in television negatively impact the way the groups portrayed as seen by people and are controlled by those who are in ownership positions at television conglomerates. Stereotypes are used in television to both frame what little is known about a race, ethnicity, or culture and to frame people in a way that make the characters relatable to those who are not informed. Media has long been criticized for their representations of African Americans on television. While the quantity of African-American portrayals has increased, the quality of these images has not. 1 Research using perceptions have shown that negative exposure to African-American portrayals in the media significantly influences evaluations of African-Americans in general and have an effect on viewers of all ages and races. 2 Studies have shown that on television, African-Americans are generally put into blue-collar occupations such as a house cleaner or postal worker while have shown that they are portrayed in roles such as servant, criminal, entertainer, or athlete. This is in stark comparison to the supervisory occupational roles regularly given to white television characters. 3 African- Americans are also regularly given negative personality traits and low achieving statuses. For viewers without their own base knowledge of African-Americans, these stereotypical portrayals cause them to create negative assumptions about African-Americans based on what they have seen on television. 4 Many programs on television do not display African-Americans in positive roles, but instead focus more on reaffirming negative stereotypes. However, media shapes and influences public perceptions and these negative stereotypes have the same impact on public perceptions. 5 Stereotypes are reinforced through the media, particularly on television. Because of time and dramatic constraints, producers, casting directors and casting agencies freely admit to stereotyping and using stock characters which are familiar to the audience. Characters are typecast based on what the script calls for based on stereotypes in an effort to make the hiring and writing processes easier and faster. For decades, working class men were portrayed as dumb, immature, irresponsible, and lacking in common sense. 6 As African-American men are more frequently typecast into working class, blue-collar occupations, this especially extends to African-American men. The production process in Hollywood studios and associated organizations gives rise to the use of stereotyping to meet the time demands of production. If a production company had an entire year to complete a season of 22 to 24 episodes, an episode would have to be produced on average every 2 weeks, which includes script writing , casting, staging, filming, and editing. 7 This pressure on the production team causes them to simplify as much as possible in order to streamline the process and thus allows for using stereotypes to make script writing and character casting easier.8 Creators will become more likely to stick to what is familiar to them as they do not have the time to become familiar enough with a racial, ethnic or cultural group to present a realistic portrayal of that group. For producers, casting directors and casting agencies, unless the idea behind the story is a contradictory to the stereotype, there is a strong pressure to use existing stereotypes to decrease the time spent casting characters and writing scripts. (Butsch 2014) This pressure also comes from media conglomerates whose main aim is to produce as much content as possible to make as much money as possible. One of the most obvious trends in media ownership is its increasing centralization into fewer and fewer companies. Media ownership has become so concentrated that as of the mid-2000s only five global firms dominated the industry in the United States; The Walt Disney Company, Time Warner, News Corporation, Viacom and the German company Bertlsmann AG. (Croteau, Hoynes, and Milan 2011).These conglomerates wield influence that extends to all parts of the multimedia entertainment. They produce newspapers, magazines, radio, television, books, and movies. Narissra M. Punyanunt-Carter. The Perceived Realism of African American Portrayals on Television. The Howard Journal of Communications. Accessed October 2, 2014. https://library.uoregon.edu/sites/default/files/data/guides/english/howard_journal_communications.pdf Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Richard Bush, â€Å"Six Decades of Social Class in American Television Sitcoms.†In Gender, Race, and Class in the Media: A Critical Reader. (Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publishing, 2014), 507. Ibid., 513. Ibid. Bibliography Butsch, Richard. â€Å"Six Decades of Social Class in American Television Sitcoms.†In Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Critical Reader, 507-516. Los Angeles: SAGE Publishing, 2014 Croteau, David P., Hoynes, William D., Milan, Stefania. â€Å"The Economics of the Media Industry.†In Gender, Race and Class in Media: A Critical Reader, 28-30. Los Angeles: SAGE Publishing, 2014. Originally published in David P. Croteau, William D. Hoynes and Stefania Milan, â€Å"The Economics of the Media Industry,†in Media/Society: Industries, Images Audiences (2011). Monk-Turner, Elizabeth, Mary Heiserman, Crystle Johnson, Vanity Cotton, and Manny Jackson. The Portrayal of Racial Minorities on Prime Time Television: A Replication of the Mastro and Greenberg Study a Decade Later. Studies in Popular Culture. http://pcasacas.org/SiPC/32.2/Monk-Turner_Heiserman_Johnson_Cotton_Jackson.pdf (accessed October 2, 2014). Punyanunt-Carter, Narissra M.. The Howard Journal of Communications. The Perceived Realism of African American Portrayals on Television. https://library.uoregon.edu/sites/default/files/data/guides/english/howard_journal_communications.pdf (accessed October 2, 2014). Randall, Steve . Primetime Racism on Fox. FAIR. http://fair.org/extra-online-articles/primetime-racism-on-fox/ (accessed October 2, 2014). The Opportunity Agenda. Social Science Literature Review: Media Representations and Impact on the Lives of Black Men and Boys. The Opportunity Agenda. http://www.racialequitytools.org/resourcefiles/Media-Impact-onLives-of-Black-Men-and-Boys-OppAgenda.pdf (accessed October 2, 2014). UPDATED: Fox News Long History Of Race-Baiting. Media Matters for America. http://mediamatters.org/research/2011/06/13/updated-fox-news-long-history-of-race-baiting/180529 (accessed October 2, 2014).
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Happy: Gender and Old Fashion Remedies Essay
The Woman Box is full of old fashion remedies that took placed a very long time ago. Its basically saying that woman are less than men and that men are in charge and women aren’t, women should just follow and do what they say do because they are superiors and women are inferior, women are weak and are less value, and view them as property of men, and sexual objects. I totally disagree with this and to me this is totally insulting. Even though I know that’s how things went back in the day and I’m glad that things changed and everyone are consider equally. As a woman, I know that I can do almost everything that a man can do and just like they can work for 12 hours or more, I do that every day with no problem. How hard is it to act outside the rules society has set for each gender? Well for men, for them to act outside of the rules society has set for them is like being a punk or they would be looked at differently and less of or they just are not consider cool anymore. Women on the other hand act outside of the rules society has set for them because we are no longer living in the past where we are inferior to anyone. We work and do as we please and over 90% of women today are leaders and we are stronger than ever. Do you think The Man Box or The Women Box is the same in all families? In all cultures? I don’t think that The Man Box or The Women Box is the same in all families and cultures, however in some families and cultures it still exist. Like in Afghanistan, I know their women still live up to these rules and more cultures do also. In the United States there are many families that still live up to these rules and they think its okay to be looked down at. Tony Porter says that the contents of The Man Box lead men to believe that violence against women is OK. Do you agree or disagree with this assertion? I definitely agree with Tony saying that the contents of The Man Box lead men to believe that violence against women is ok because it give men to many excuses to treat women unequal and treated like they are inferior and it also tell men that it is ok to be violent, controlling and basically flat out abusive. Tony Porter says â€Å"My liberation as a man is tied to your liberation as a woman.†What do you think he means by this? Tony meant that all human is equal and should be treated as one. That it is ok to teach and raise out son that violence against women is unacceptable and that as a boy, young man and adult man that it is ok to cry have feelings. What else did you find provocative in this talk? I found that when his father waited until the women left the car to cry and share his emotions with his son provocative. Its strange because I know a lot of men who will not cry or show emotions in front of women because they don’t want to be looked at different. Some men think that it is not okay for men to cry. I was really happy that he got it out no matter who he was in front of because holding anything in can also tear you to pieces.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Should Prisoners be Treated as Humans
Some people believe that once a person commits a crime or breaks the law, they no longer get to exercise their human rights. In fact, they believe that prisoners do not deserve human rights. The treatment of these inmates come into question; especially when most facilities and prisons are overcrowded, receiving more mentally ill prisoners, and female incarceration is on the rise. The problem with some of society is they do not want prisoners to be treated with any common, human decency. They believe inmates have it great by eating healthy and receiving adequate medical care.Being able to work out and learn new trades for the future has some of society’s members upset with paying tax monies for these types of â€Å"amenities†. I believe that every human has the right to meals and preventive health care. People should not have to fear for their safety or health because they have committed a crime. I do not feel they should receive good treatment: punishment should be adeq uate for the crime committed, but the prisoner should not be in threat of starvation, abusive treatment from other inmates or staff, or fear of medical neglect.Prisoners are in fact human beings and of course punishment was much worse in ancient times. There would be severe physical punishment, and living conditions while incarcerated were much worse than conditions today. Let’s explore some of the treatment of prisoners and the and how they are sometimes affected by this treatment. I believe treating prisoners as you would any other person: with the most basic human rights. This is an ethical dilemma we as society are faced with. The world and the incidents that occur in it are very unpredictable.There are plenty of people who never expected or thought they would ever become incarcerated. I, personally, was incarcerated from age seventeen to age thirty-three. I have experienced quite a bit of unethical treatment, as well as been a witness to this treatment. There is no self- defense law here in California. I was attacked by a girl with a gun. We fought over this gun and she was shot once in the neck. During the time of the scuffle, she was wanted for an outstanding warrant for the murder of a pregnant woman. I was convicted for attempted murder and sentenced to fourteen years of incarceration as an eighteen year old.My incarceration was to take place in a California State Prison for Women. Upon my reception to state prison, I have been victim to and witnessed unethical behavior towards the prisoners. With prison overcrowding and an influx off inmates who are mentally ill. There are also the drug offenders. The drug offenders make up a large group of prisoners. There are a variety of ethnicities, backgrounds, and classes of individuals incarcerated. Prison overcrowding contributes to a lot of the unethical treatment of prison inmates. When the prisons are overcrowded, inmates are not segregated amongst other inmates of their same security levels or risks .Sometimes these conditions make it easy for crimes to be committed within the facility or institution. Many high risk inmates will make victims out of the less violent, vulnerable inmates. The prisoners can become victims of rape, theft, assault, and sometimes murder. Some prisoners have been known to commit suicide because the conditions in prison are too difficult to deal with. To report any crime committee against you while a prisoner, can lead to retaliation from the prison population; terrorizing one with fear.There is what is called â€Å"moral†intuition. According to Mosser (2010), intuition is described as unexplainable feelings a person may have about something being â€Å"right†or â€Å"wrong†. My intuition tells me it is wrong to treat anyone with inhumane behavior. It is not correct to put an individual in harm way just because they have made a mistake to society. Yes, they should definitely pay the price for whatever crime is committed. Mental ly ill persons have also contributed to the prison population. Several inmates really just need to be placed somewhere that can provide the mental help needed to help rehabilitate them. With so few doctors and staff for the mentally ill, it seems rehabilitation is just an illusion.With mentally ill patients integrated into a prison population, there are bound to be conflicts, as well as abuse. Abuse occurs among the inmates as I have mentioned earlier. Although, half of California’s mental hospitals were closed by the late 1960s, Governor Reagan, during the late 1970s shut down the mental hospitals completely (Torrey, E. F. , M. D. , Kennard, A. D. , Eslinger, D. , Lamb, R. , M. D. , Pavle, J. , 2010). With overcrowding, and barely enough of a budget to care for the health of the inmates, how can a prisoner’s mental hygiene be taken care of?Most of these prisoners are forced to be confined in solitary confinement. Metzner (2010) states, â€Å"The adverse effects of so litary confinement are especially significant for persons with serious mental illness, commonly defined as mental disorder (e. g. , schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder) that is usually characterized by psychotic symptoms and/or significant functional impairments (para. 4). Solitary confinement can do more harm than good. Inmates may possibly leave prison in a worse state than when they entered prison.People worry  about tax dollars going to prisoner’s food and shelter, but if a prisoner can be â€Å"corrected†by the department of corrections, that will lower the recidivism rate and less prisoners will return to prison. Earlier, I mentioned drug offenders making up a great deal of the prison population. Some people’s addiction does not stop because they are incarcerated. Male officers outnumber female officers by two to one. Male officers make up at least two-thirds of the officers and guards. There are times I have witnessed my cellmat e receiving drugs forsexual favors for the officer. The officer will come at a time when there are no there are no other people around and request these sexual favors. Some guards would even make a girl have sex with them. They would threaten to change the inmate’s release date, or cause the inmate to be placed in a position to be caused physical harm by other inmates. These unethical treatments should not be overlooked. Many women are victims of abuse and domestic violence. They have attempted to leave a situation with an abusive partner, and this leads to the homicide if the partner.Donna Hazley (2010) states, â€Å"The same legal system that fails or refuses to protect battered women prosecutes them vigorously when they fight back (para. 11). There are also women incarcerated with hopes of returning to society as a rehabilitated individual, and return to caring for their families. Not all people that are incarcerated always lose custodial rights of their children. They ho pe to return to care for these children. These children deserve a chance, if it is possible to rehabilitate their parents. Not everyone serving a prison sentence is an outcast, monster, or society’s reject.These are human people with human feelings, and emotions. Again, I say no one should be subjected  to these treatments because they have committed a crime. No one can truly know the remorse a person feels for the things they have done wrong, and therefore, should not impose upon them abuse. In approaching this issue of the unethical treatment of prisoners, I believe the classical theory of deontology could resolve this issue. Deontology is described as looking at the reason the act was committed instead of the consequences of an act (Mosser, 2010).It is a deontologist’s position that we treat everyone with respect, and consider each human being’s dignity when dealing with them. If it is considered why a woman has committed a violent crime against her spouse , then maybe she can be treated with ethical treatment, instead of what one feels is much deserved abuse because she is a prisoner. According to an article by the Human’s Rights Watch, A video tape at a California state facility showed two officers severely beating and kicking two inmates (2004). Deontologists theorize that no one should be beaten and kicked for no reason. It is unethical to treat a person with such excessive force.Virtue ethics is also an approach that can be taken to resolve the issue I have presented of unethical behavior of prisoners. Virtue ethics focuses more on the character of the person performing the act (Mosser, 2010). If we paid attention to the individual that performed the crime, we may better understand a way to effectively deal with the person without imposing any abuse upon the individual. Utilitarian’s ethical approach is basing a decision on the best outcome for the greater number (Mosser, 2010). It is likely to be beneficial to soci ety to treat prisoners with common human rights, and not subject them to inhumane behavior.If people can rehabilitate, instead of  become at risk for mental issues, high recidivism, and absence from the family, society will benefit as a whole. There will not be the need to spend so many tax dollars on prisons because so many prisons will not be needed. Families will be united and given the tools necessary to prosper and benefit, having a positive effect on children being raised with their parents. The problem with the deontologist’s theory is that a relativist will say that it is not their problem to concern themselves with how prisoners are being treated.Relativism is the values regarded by an individual based on their own ethical standards; usually based on their background and culture (Mosser, 2010). One will argue that it is what prisoners deserve because that is just what they believe. It may be acceptable in someone’s society to mistreat prisoners and the mist reatment not be considered unethical. Emotivism suggests that moral claims express an emotional response or attitude (Mosser, 2010). Mostly, people feel as if prisoners deserve unfair treatment. In fact, people feel as if they don’t deserve to be treated as human beings at all.Emotivism can reduce our moral judgment to something so simple like an emotional response; we may be robbing someone of a fair ethical decision. In my opinion, this can cause harm to the greater number of individuals effected by the decision, thus, presenting a challenge to the issue of utilitarianism. In this case the moral issue will not be examined because it is being responded to in an emotional way. Virtue ethics, I remind you, focuses on the virtues of the person performing the act. It is not an easy thing to do, trying to determine why a person made a certain choice.This person or group of individuals could have made this choice for a number of reasons. Sometimes, it is much more apparent why a p erson or group has done something. Other times, it is not.  Ethical egoism can be the challenge to virtue ethics. Ethical egoism argues that our moral decisions should be based on our desires and goals (Mosser, 2010). Our personal goals and desires are what motivate us make many of the decisions we make in our lives. If an outcome does not appeal to our goals and desires, we tend to find a way to dispute that.Finding a person’s virtue may conflict with our personal goals and desires. A person may have been robbed once before, and now has a biased toward anyone that has committed a crime, regardless of their motivation to commit the offense. If the victim’s personal desire is to see any person who commits theft to â€Å"rot†in prison, they will not consider the virtue ethics of a prisoner, therefore, the unethical treatment of prisoners seeming completely ethical to the ethical egoist. Having served so much time in prison, deontology is the closest view to my own.I believe that every action has a consequence and people need to suffer a consequence when they have broken the law. Respecting this theory, I still believe that everyone should be treated with respect and human decency. Although, I shot the young lady in the struggle over the gun, she was already wanted and convicted of murder. I feared for my life, as well as did not intend to cause great bodily injury; otherwise, I would have shot her repeatedly. Finances and social class had a lot to do with my conviction. I was unable to afford the best attorney and I was what was considered â€Å"at-risk†urban youth.Society did not care about the reason the victim ended up shot once. It was argued by strangers who did not know me that I deserved to serve fourteen years, and maybe even deserved to be shot myself. Either way, I am a decent human being, who wanted nothing other than to reintegrate into society and make a positive life for myself. People could never understand that un less they have been in prison, or have a family member who has spent time in prison. There are people who deserve to be treated fairly no matter whether they  have committed a crime or not.I am sure I can benefit from therapy. It feels as if sometimes, I am suffering from post-traumatic stress. I feel I didn’t deserve to receive some of the abuse that I have fallen victim to. Inhumane treatment in prisons should be investigated. Society should take time to weigh all the issues and realize heinous crimes are committed and one absolutely should pay their debt to society, but never at the cost of their basic human rights. â€Å"All persons deprived of liberty shall be treated at all times with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person†, (OHCHR, 2005).
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Essay on Karachi - 1130 Words
‘The city consists of relationships between the measurements of its space and the events of its past†¦A description of Zaira as it is today should contain all of its past. The city however does not tell its past, but contains it like the lines of a hand, written in the corners of the streets, the gratings of the windows, the banisters of the steps†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Calvino, 1974: 10-11) Like the city of Zaira, Karachi contains its past between layers of memories, each having a narrative of its own replete with personal history and anecdotes that help us understand the city for what it was and how it has changed over the years. In his essay on Karachi, In the Eye of the Storm, the author introduces us to the Saddar of his youth. His essay reveals a†¦show more content†¦Saddars clubs, bars and billiard rooms were seen as a den of vice and shady activities, hence there was a crackdown on all such premises which were forcibly closed down. In all seventeen bars and eleven billiard rooms were shut down. The hut bar and discothque is now an electronic shop, the paris bar and billiard room is a retail shop, the old tody shop is now Virgo restraint, the ritz bar –ritz snacks, Legourmnet bar and cabaret is the Sheraton hotel, lido bar and night club taken over by shops. Simultaneously the Karachi university whose student unions organized strikes and disruptions to destabalise the military government was deliberately relocated to the outskirts of the city. Deprived of its active youth population and participation Saddar quickly degenerated into its presnt state and the cafes and restraints lost a grea t chunk of there clinetale running into losses these places had to be shut down. Cultural activities now have to be relocated to other parts of the city problems of access, no centre for cultural activities. Karachi is essentially a dual city. The first a Victorian city of barracks, cantonments and municipal buildings runs as undercurrent to the present one of multinational corporations and banks, a chaotic city of noise, glamour and lights. This duality is apparent in the usage of street names in the Saddar district. Post independence, street names were slowly renamed from Victorian ones to those commemorating nationalShow MoreRelatedEssay on Isolation in Sherwood Andersons Winesburg, Ohio797 Words  | 4 Pagesholds true to the population of Winesburg, Ohio. This is the hunger of life.  Works Cited Anderson, David. Sherwood Andersons Moments of Insight. Critical Studies in American Literature A Collection of Essays. Karachi, Pakistan: University of Karachi, 1964. Anderson, Sherwood. Winesburg, Ohio. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. 1995. Howe, Irving. The Book of the Grotesque. Sherwood Anderson. 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